Proudly helping fellow nerds make podcasts since 2017.

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Our Library of Shows

Another Zelda Podcast
Another Zelda Podcast

It’s a secret to everybody. | Another Zelda Podcast is a show wherein we talk about all things regarding The Legend of Zelda series!

Another Pokémon Podcast
Another Pokémon Podcast

It’s super effective! | Another Pokémon Podcast is a show wherein we talk about all things regarding the Pokémon series!

The Studio Demands It!
Another Zelda Podcast

Two screenwriters attempt to recreate, reimagine, or flat-out fix, existing film franchises when 'the studio' demands...MORE FILMS!

Returning Student
Another Zelda Podcast

A podcast about a 40-year-old who returns to the very same school that he left 20 years ago so that he may finish the college degree that he never got.

Returning Student
Another Zelda Podcast

You better hold on tight, Spider Monkeys… Roommates David and Kella are watching the Twilight film series. Kella is a full-on Twihard. David knows absolutely nothing about the films or the books. Join them as they watch and discuss all five films!

Another Zelda Podcast

Join Daniel and Chris as they enter the woods of RPG gaming. We take our turn talking about different role-playing games then rely on you guys to continue the discussion by reaching out to us!

Other shows by Sixfive